Objective:A method of closed circuit anesthesia by injecting sevoflurane into the breathing circuit was studied in 25 patients. Methods:Liquid sevoflurane was injected into the soda lime canister. The priming dose was 2ml and subsequent doses of 1ml each were given to keep end tidal concentration not lower than 1%. Results:A mean of 6 92±2 16ml sevoflurane was given for the first hour and 4 57±0 66ml for the second hour in 14 patients. The highest inspiratory and expiratory concentrations of the priming dose were 0 6%~1 7% and 0 4%~1 3%,respectively. In progress of anesthesia, the uptake rate of sevoflurane decreased eventually and the inspiratory concentrations elevated after each subsequent injection. The correlation between sevoflurane used in the first hour and the patient's body weight was poor. Conclusion:Injection of sevoflurane into soda lime canister for closed circuit anesthesia is a clinically feasible technique.
Journal of Clinical Anesthesiology