This article inspects a key word "zhi ren lun shi"( "知人论世" ,Knowledge of a person and his time)in Mencius Poetics,and emphasizes to analyze the deep ideaistic connotation of history and cultural factors in the two key terms. Mencius Poetics theories and practice in dealing with lust issues has followed the historical sequence in the Confucian cultural system,while at the same time been connected with his own academic concepts,thus presenting to us a unique and distinct domain and originality. Today people read classical works with a concept of pure literature, but they often forget or neglect abundant resource of ideaistic history in these poetic concepts. So this paper will combine the approaches of two interpretations much closer, and institute a new interpretive tendence which is not only historical but also modernistic.
Yindu Journal
Mencius Poetics
the spirit of "friendship"
zhi ren lun shi