目的探讨姜黄素对中子照射后小鼠空肠上皮NF-κB表达的影响。方法选取二级雄性BALB/c小鼠120只,随机分为对照组、3 Gy中子照射组和姜黄素治疗组。照射组小鼠采用3 Gy中子全身均匀照射,姜黄素治疗组于照射后即日腹腔注射一次,剂量为200 mg/(kg.d),每天1次,连续给药5 d。采用HE染色、免疫组织化学和图像分析等手段,检测小鼠空肠病理形态变化以及空肠上皮NF-κB表达的变化。结果3 Gy中子照射后3 d内,空肠黏膜大面积坏死脱落;照后3 d偶见隐窝细胞再生,照后5 d见较多新生隐窝;姜黄素治疗组在照后3 d隐窝再生较明显,照后5 d见大量新生绒毛,排列较为整齐。3 Gy中子照射后6 h^5 d,NF-κB由胞浆转入胞核内,在胞核内表达进行性增加,5 d呈强阳性;姜黄素治疗组在照射后3 d和5 d,NF-κB在胞核内表达呈阳性,强度弱于照射组。结论3 Gy中子照射引起小鼠空肠严重损伤,姜黄素治疗可减轻损伤并促进肠道上皮再生修复,其保护作用可能与NF-κB信号通路抑制有关。
Objective To explore the effect of curcumin on NF-κB expression in the mouse intestinal epithelial after neutron irradiation. Methods 120 male BALB/c mice were randomly divided into control group, 3 Gy neutron irradiation group and curcumin treatment group. The irradiated group mice were wholly exposed to 3 Gy neutron irradiation. The curcumin group mice were injected eurcumin (dose of 200 mg/kg/d, once a day and using of 5 days) through enterocoelia immediately after irradiation. Intestinal epithelial pathological changes and NF-κB expression in the intestinal epithelial after neutron irradiation were observed by means of HE staining, immunohistochemistry and image analysis. Results Largearea necrosis was founded in the intestinal epithelial mucosa of the irradiated group mice after 3 days exposure to neutron irradiation. Crypt cell regeneration were occasionally founded after 3 days, while more crypt cell regeneration were founded after 5 days exposure to neutron irradiation. Crypt cell regeneration obviously founded in the intestinal epithelial of the curcumin group mice and lots of new villus were observed after 5 days exposure to neutron irradiation. NF-κB transferred from the cytoplasm into the nucleus after exposure to neutron irradiation and the expression level became more and more strong in the nucleus from 6 h to 5 d. NF-κB expression level of the curcumin group mice was weaker than that of the irradiation group. Conclusion Murine intestine is seriously damaged by 3 Gy neutron irradiation; Curcumin might reduce the damage and promote the regeneration and repair of the intestinal epithelium and the protection mechanism may be NF-κB signaling pathway is inhibited by curcumin.
Chinese Journal of Stereology and Image Analysis