
倍骼生与自体骨联合应用治疗牙根周骨缺损 被引量:2

Treat periodontal bone defects using bioglass and autogenous bones as a combiautioin
摘要 目的:使用倍骼生(生物活性玻璃)与自体骨联合使用植入牙周骨缺损区,观察牙槽骨再生的疗效。方法:选择50例年龄在28-62岁期间,患有中重度牙周病同时伴有牙槽骨明显吸收的患者分成实验组与对照组。实验组采用牙周治疗与外科翻瓣手术,并应用倍骼生与自体骨结合植入牙周骨缺损区,随诊观察2年,对照组只采用牙周基础治疗。结果:实验组、对照组,牙周袋深度(PPD)与探诊附着水平(PAL)都有明显改善,实验组改善更加明显,PPD减少3.48mm,PAL增加1.77mm,而且疗效稳定。结论:倍骼生与自体骨联合使用在治疗牙周骨缺损过程中,体现其优势,容易充填,稳定性好,有良好的骨引导性和骨形成性,新骨形成时间明显变短。 Objectives:The purpose of this research is to detect the alveolar bone regeneration effect of implanting the combined bioglass and autogenous bones into the region of periodontal bone defects. Methods:50 patients aged 28 through 62 with moderate through severe periodontosis were selected and assigned into the experimental group and the control group. In the experimental group,patients were administered both periodontal treatment and flap operation, combined with implantation of bioglass and autogenous bones into the defected region of periodontal bone defect, whereas the control group only periodontal treatment. This observation lasted two years. Results:The result shows that the PPD and PAL for both the two groups were improved significantly. For the experimental group, the effect was even larger with 3.48mm decreased PPD, and 1.77mm increased PAL. This effect was stable in terms of treatment effect. Conclusions:It is concluded that combination of bioglass and autogenous bones has proved to be advantageous. It is easy to fill and functions stable. Also, it has excellent guided bone regeneration and the time of new bonissignificantly shortened.
出处 《中国口腔种植学杂志》 2009年第4期115-117,共3页 Chinese Journal of Oral Implantology
基金 潍坊市卫生局立项课题(编号043)
关键词 倍骼生 自体骨 联合 移植 引导性 bioglass, autogenous bone, combination, implant, bone-regeneration guidance
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