
枣树花分生组织特异基因ZjAP1的克隆与表达分析 被引量:3

Cloning and Expression Analysis of Floral Meristem Identity Gene ZjAP1 from Chinese Jujube
摘要 以枣树(Ziziphus jujuba Mill)为试材,通过反转录RT-PCR和快速扩增cDNA末端的方法,从花萼片组织中克隆获得一个花分生组织特异性基因的全长序列(SQUA/AP1同源基因),命名为ZjAP1(GenBank登录号:EU916199)。生物信息学分析ZjAP1cDNA序列的开放阅读框长度为738bp,编码245个氨基酸,保守域含有SQUA/AP1家族典型的MADS盒蛋白、K盒结构域。ZjAP1的氨基酸序列与其他植物SQUA/AP1具有很高的相似性,进化树分析表明,ZjAP1和其他物种的AP1起源于相同的祖先。半定量RT-PCR分析表明,ZjAP1在花芽、花蕾、花、幼果中都有表达,在结果枝中整个花发育过程中一直有表达,在营养枝和膨大的果实及种仁组织中没有表达,说明ZjAP1与花发育的调控有关。 The full-length cDNA sequence of floral meristem identity gene (homoloue gene of SQUA/AP1 )designed as ZjAP1 (GenBank accession number: EU916199 )was obtained from sepal tissue of Chinese jujube (Ziziphus jujuba Mill )by the methods of reverse transcript PCR and rapid-amplification of cDNA ends. The full-length cDNA of ZjAPI contained a 738 bp open reading frame( ORF ), and its amino acid sequence contained 245 amino acids with typical SQUA/AP1 MADS-box conserved domains. Phylogenetic tree analysis revealed that ZjAP1 shared the same ancestor with other SQUA/AP1. Expression analysis of ZjAP1 demonstrated that ZjAP1 expressed in floral buds, young flowers, mature flowers, young fruits, and fruit bearing shoots through entire process of flower development, but not expressed in foliage branchs, bigger fruits and seed kernel. It suggested that ZjA P1 should play a role in flower development process.
出处 《山西农业科学》 2010年第2期6-11,共6页 Journal of Shanxi Agricultural Sciences
基金 山西省自然科学基金项目(2008011062-2) 太原市科技项目明星专项(08121010) 山西省留学基金项目(2005-81)
关键词 枣树 ZjAP1 克隆 表达分析 Ziziphus jujuba ZjA P1 Cloning Expression analysis
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