
非均匀硼稀释瞬态三维流场计算 被引量:3

Analysis of three-dimension flow field for boron dilution transient
摘要 采用CFX10.0模拟了反应堆发生非均匀硼稀释事故时的瞬态三维流场,得到堆芯冷却剂的硼浓度分布和温度分布。比较三种不同堆芯温度工况计算结果,发现随着堆芯温度的增加,运动阻力下降,清水越快到达堆芯,清水与硼水的搅混时间减少,搅混效果减弱,堆芯中心处冷却剂的硼浓度偏低。 The boron dilution transient of reactor is simulated using CFX 10.0 in this paper. The boron concentration distributions and temperature distributions are obtained for the reactor. The results show that, as temperature of the reactor increases, the resistances fall down and clear water can reach the reactor core quickly, the mixing time between the clear water and borated water reduces, and the mixing effect weakens, with a lower boron concentration at the centre than other parts of the reactor core.
作者 周欣 朱丽兵
出处 《核技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期124-126,共3页 Nuclear Techniques
关键词 非均匀硼稀释 瞬态 硼浓度 温度 Boron dilution, Transient, Concentration, Temperature
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