

Discussion on Location of Attenuator in Experiment of the Working Distance of Remote Control and Telemetry System
摘要 无人机遥控遥测系统的拉距实验是对系统作用距离进行外场测试的一种实验,该实验对信号进行衰减,然后换算成距离。在无人机遥控遥测系统拉距实验中,笔者发现,衰减量相同的衰减器加在发射端时和加在接收端时,对信号的衰减程度不一样。为了使拉距实验更加科学准确,笔者从接收端入口噪声温度的角度分析了衰减程度不一样的原因,并且通过拉距实验进行了验证。理论分析和实验结果证明:在接收端加衰减会增大接收机的入口噪声。因此,拉距实验中衰减器最好只加在发射端。 Experiment of the working distance of UAV is to test the working distance of the system . It usually attenuates the signal power, and working distance can be figured out according to the attenuation value of attenuator. We often put the attenuator at transmitter side or at receiver side. But we found difference be- tween the two location. In experiment of the working distance of UAV, the location of attenuator could impact the noise of receiver. By means of theoretical derivation and testing, we can get a conclusion that putting attenuator at receiver side could increase the noise of receiver. So, we should put the attenuator at transmitter side.
出处 《信息化研究》 2010年第1期22-24,共3页 INFORMATIZATION RESEARCH
关键词 遥控遥测 衰减器 作用距离 remote control and telemetry attenuator working distance
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  • 2王秉均,王少勇,田宝玉,等.现代卫星通信系统[M].北京:电子工业出版社,2004.


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