
密集型WSN冲突避免的MAC协议 被引量:1

MAC Protocol with Collision Avoidance for Dense WSN
摘要 无线传感器网络媒体接触控制层存在2种冲突。提出基于概率的时隙选择算法,使不同节点在相同时隙发送概率不同,从而降低域内冲突。实验结果显示,该算法的有效能量和损失能量相比Sift协议节省了17.6%和43.9%,能量有效率提高了14.3%。提出染色预防算法,通过提前确定节点活动时序解决域间冲突问题。实验结果显示,该算法的节点平均睡眠时间在87%以上,空闲侦听导致的能量消耗仅占总能量的7%。 There are two kinds of collision in Medium Access Control(MAC)layer for dense Wireless Sensor Network(WSN). This paper proposes Probability-Based Slot Choice(PBSC) algorithm to solve intra-area collision, which chooses a transmitting slot based on probability. Experimental result shows that the algorithm attains a superior performance in effective energy and total energy by 17.6% and 43.9% compared with the Sift protocol. Coloring Precaution(CP) algorithm is proposes to solve inter-area collision, and the efficiency is improved by 14.3%. Because of low collision rate, average sleeping time is over 87% and energy for idle listening is below 7%.
出处 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期99-102,105,共5页 Computer Engineering
关键词 媒体访问控制协议 基于概率的时隙选择 染色预防 冲突避免 无线传感器网络 Medium Access Control(MAC) protocol Probability-Based Slot Choice(PBSC) Coloring Precaution(CP) collision avoidance Wireless Sensor Network(WSN)
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