PubMed,Scopus,Web of Science和Google Scholar是当代生物医学科学信息最流行的资源工具,本文旨在比较这四种数据库在特定生物医学主题中检索信息、更新引文分析的区别。用数据库的官方网页在期刊涵盖的范围、用于搜索的实用程序及其限制、更新频率、引文特征等进行比较。用实例对关键词搜索来评估这些数据库检索结果的特点,并检索特定的一篇文章查看其引文特征。
The paper has compared the utility of the current most popular sources of scientific information in biomedical sci- ences, namely PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar, in information retrieval on a specific biomedical subject and in up-to-date citation analysis. The official Web pages of the databases were used to extract information on the range of journals covered, search facilities and restrictions, up-date frequency and differences of the citation analysis. The example of a keyword search was used to evaluate the usefulness of these databases in biomedical information retrieval and a specific published article to evaluate their utility in performing citation analysis.
Journal of Library and Information Sciences in Agriculture