广东省自1987年全面推行 MDT 已近10年,治愈者逐年增多。1990年以来,我们对以MDT 治愈者进行了系统监测,共发现3例复发。例1:男性,40岁,患 BT 麻风于1995年接受 MDT-PB 方案,经1年规则治疗后皮损完全消退,符合治愈标准后停药。1年后监测发现原皮损重新出现,并较以前扩大,边缘不规则;腓总神经粗大、质硬。符合“BT”麻风(复发),再次用MDT-PB 方案规则治疗效果很好。例2:男性,42岁,BT 麻风,于1992年接受MDT-PB 方案。规则治疗1年,皮损消退。
In Guangdong,since 1987 WHO -MDT has been generally used and several thou- sand patients were cured according Chinese criteri- on,of which three relapsed cases have been found from 1990 to the end of 1997 through regular fol- low-up,who all had PB leprosy and were treated one to two years with PB regimen of MDT. The re- lapses all occurred one or two years after completion of their courses. After the relapse their leprosy types are BT,neuritic and BL respectively,being proved clinically,bacteriologically and pathologically. A- mong them retreatment using MDT showed still great efficiency,suggesting they are not resistant to MDT.