脉冲式SBR工艺是针对传统SBR工艺反硝化效果较差提出的一种新型的SBR运行方式。采用真实的生活污水对传统SBR及脉冲式SBR工艺进行对比研究,考察二者运行过程中DO、pH及ORP的变化规律,进而通过DO、pH及ORP控制参数对脉冲式SBR法深度脱氮工艺进行实时控制。试验结果显示,出水TN低于2 mg/L,去除率达到了96%以上。
Compared to the traditional A/O process which can never guarantee denitrification effect, one kind of new operation process, pulsed SBR is advised. In the experiment, the two kinds of SBR process are contrasted and the variation of pH, Do and ORP is investigated. Based on the parametens control of DO, pH and ORP, the real - time control of advanced nitrogen removal by pulsed SBR is conducted. The results show that TN in the effluent is below 2 mg/L and the remvoal rate reaches above 96%.
Industrial Safety and Environmental Protection