
毒力岛与细菌致病性 被引量:9

Research progress on pathogenicity island in pathogenic bacterium
摘要 毒力岛作为细菌染色体上一段具有典型结构特征的基因簇,与多种致病菌毒力因子的产生和细菌的进化有密切的关系,研究毒力岛对于认识致病细菌的变异,阐述病原菌的致病机理,预测新病原菌的出现有着十分重要的意义。 As a gene cluster with typical structure in bacterial chromosomes, pathogenicity island is closely related to many virulent factors and evolution of bacteria. It is important to study the pathogenicity island for recognizing the mutation and pathologic mechanism of pathogenic bacterium, and forecasting the appearance of new pathogenic bacterium.
出处 《生物学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2010年第1期80-83,96,共5页 Journal of Biology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(30860207) 宁夏高等学校研究项目(2009)
关键词 细菌 毒力岛 致病性 bacterium pathogenicity island pathogenicity
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