
陕西省口腔黏膜病相关危险因素分析 被引量:4

Correlative analysis of risk factors of oral mucosal diseases in Shanxi Province
摘要 目的探讨陕西省常见口腔黏膜病发病的相关危险因素。方法采用多阶段分层等容量随机抽样的方法,对35-44岁组792人、65-74岁组408人进行口腔黏膜病问卷调查,利用Epidata3.1软件录入数据,用SPSS13.0软件进行PearsonChi-Square分析和Logistic回归分析。结果每天早晚二次刷牙者口腔溃疡和沟纹舌的患病率低于每天只刷牙一次者。饮食入口温度高者,口腔溃疡的患病率较高。吸烟多者口腔白斑的患病率高。结论①刷牙可减少口腔溃疡和沟纹舌的发生 ②入口食物的温度与口腔溃疡的发生有密切的关系 ③吸烟是口腔白斑的危险因素之一。 Objective To investigate the risk factors of oral mucosal diseases in Shanxi Province. Methods The survey used a multi-stage stratified equivalent capacity random sampling method. This questionnaire of oral mucosal disease involved 792 people of 35 44 age group, and 408 people of 65 - 74 age group. The Epidata3. 1 software was used to input data. Then we used SPSS 13.0 software for statistical analysis,including Pearson Chi-Square and Logistic regression analysis. Results The prevalence rate of oral ulcer was lower in people who brush their teeth twice a day than in people who brush once a day. The prevalence rate of fissured tongue was the same as that of oral ulcer. For people who prefer hot food, the prevalence rate of oral ulcer was higher. The prevalence rate of oral leukoplakia was higher in people who smoke. Conclusions Brushing teeth twice a day is a possible protective factor with fissured tongue and oral ulcer. The preference for hot food is a possible risk factor of oral ulcer. Smoking is a possible risk factor of oral leukoplakia.
出处 《口腔医学》 CAS 2010年第1期51-53,共3页 Stomatology
关键词 口腔黏膜病 危险因素 流行病学 oral mucosal disease risk factor epidemiology
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