
女性后盆腔缺陷疾病外科治疗的一种新术式 被引量:6

A new surgical method:posterior vaginal mesh suspension in treating female posterior pelvic floor defect
摘要 目的探讨一种新型外科术式-阴道后壁网片悬吊术治疗女性后盆腔缺陷疾病的可行性和有效性。方法对28例后盆腔缺陷的女性患者行阴道后壁聚丙烯网片悬吊术。结果术后随访2~36个月,28例患者中治愈27例,好转1例,总有效率100%。结论对于女性后盆腔缺陷采用阴道后壁网片悬吊术创伤小,操作方便,安全性高,并发症少,近期及远期疗效确切。 Objective To explore the feasibility and efficiency of a new surgical method: posterior vaginal mesh suspension in treating female posterior pelvic floor defect. Methods posterior vaginal mesh suspension was performed on 28 cases of posterior pelvic floor defect. Results The 28 female patients were followed up for 2-36 months. At follow-up, 27 patients were cured and 1 were improved. The total efficiency rate was 100%. Conclusion Posterior vaginal mesh suspension is an efficient, convenient, safe way to treat female posterior pelvic floor defect. It has positive short and long term curative effects without any complications and sequelae.
出处 《罕少疾病杂志》 2010年第1期14-16,共3页 Journal of Rare and Uncommon Diseases
基金 国家自然科学基金项目[30500166]
关键词 后盆腔缺陷 阴道后壁膨出 直肠膨出 便秘 网片 pelvic floor defect posterior vaginal prolapse rectocele, constipation mesh
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