Conservatism is one of the important qualitative characteristics of accounting information. The newBusiness Accounting Standards which come into effect since January 1st, 2007 do not lay stress on the conservatism principle. Then, it is a question whether accounting earnings conservatism ?of listed companies decline after the implement of New Accounting Standards. Previous empirical research drew conflicting conclusions. Based on the sample of Chinese A- share listed companies in Shenzhen and Shanghai stock market from 2001 to 2008, we research on the changes of accounting earnings conservatism of listed companies in our country before and after the implementation of newaccounting standards. The results show that accounting earnings of profit-making listed companies do not have conservatism, while accounting earnings of loss-making listed companies have conservatism; Since the implementation of new accounting standards, accounting earnings conservatism of loss-making companies declines significantly which results in accounting earnings conservatism of listed companies as a whole decline evidently, while earnings conservatism of profit-making companies increases.
Communication of Finance and Accounting
Accounting Earnings Conservatism NewAccounting Standards Profit-making Listed Company Loss-making Listed Company