
变量化约束草图驱动的药柱三维特征设计研究 被引量:4

Research on feature design of SRM grains driven by variational constraint sketch
摘要 为了直观而准确地支持固体火箭发动机药柱设计,提出了一种约束草图驱动的药柱三维特征造型方法。该设计方法首先通过变量化约束求解引擎对设计人员模糊的设计概念进行精确的几何坐标定位,形成一幅设计变量驱动的约束草图。然后,经过药柱特征定义,在设计规则和基于设计历史的燃面追溯统计算法的支持下,设计人员能够在约束草图上进行任意形式复杂药柱的特征定义、造型设计、燃面推移仿真与燃面统计。最后,开发了相应的药柱设计系统,并以一个管槽形药柱的设计过程,验证了本设计方法的计算效率、直观性、准确性和有效性。 In order to make solid rocket motor grain design more intuitive and accurate, a kind of 3D feature design method of SRM grains driven by the variational constraint sketch was put forward. In the method, the variational constraint solver is used first to interpret the grain designers'ambignous design concept into a kind of constraint sketch driven by design variables. Then, with the help of the specified grain feature definition, design rules and burning surface trace statistics algorithm based on design history, de- signers can freely finish feature definition, shape modeling, burning-surface regression simulation and statistics of complicated grain on the sketch. Finally, a grain design software platform was developed, and a slotted-tube grain design example was used to verify the efficiency, intuitive, accuracy and effectiveness of this grain design method.
出处 《固体火箭技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期13-16,33,共5页 Journal of Solid Rocket Technology
关键词 药柱设计 变量化约束草图 特征造型 grain design variational constraint sketch feature modeling
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