Objective:To explore clinical curative effect of standard large trauma eraniotomy on severe eraniocerebral injury. Methods :86 patients of severe craniocerebral injury from January 2008 to June 2009 were treated with standard large traumacraniotomy. Surgical procedure was initiated by extending the bone window to the descending horizontal boarder line of zygomatic arch with anteriorly going to frontal pole and posteriorly reaching frontal mastoid process and gouging off the crest of sphenoid bone for exposing both anterior and middle cranial fossa, and tension - reduced suture was used for cerebral dura mater. Results: Of all 86 cases, 67cases (77.90%) survived, 19 cases (22.09%) died after 6 months, according to ADL grade system, Ⅰ24 cases(27.90% ) ,Ⅱ26 cases (30.23%) , Ⅲ 7 cases (8.13%) , Ⅳ5 cases (5.81%) , Ⅴ5 cases (5.81%). Conclusions: This method has wide bone window which exposes all the injury cerebral hemisphere. It is best for clearing away hematoma and venous return, and makes all the injured cerebral hemisphere and side blood vessel reduced pressure. It effectively reduces the pressure of intraeranial and the incarceration of brain tissue. It is best to cure cerebral hernia.
Medical Journal of Chinese People’s Health
Standard large traumacraniotomy
Severe craniocerebral injury