Objective: To investigate the SiHa cells growth inhibition and Apoptosis induced by Curcumin. Methods: SiHa cells were treated with various concentrations (10 umol/L,20 umol/L,30 umol/L ) of Curcume for different periods(12h, 24h, 48h, 72h). Cell changing was observed by microscope; cell growth was measured by MTT. Apoptosis was detected by different methods including electron microscope and DNA gel electrophoresis. Results: After treated with different concentrations of Curcumin, the cell growth of SiHa was suppressed significantly with showed dose-and time-dependent manner increase in proliferative inhibition rate(P〈0.01). The Curcumin can induce SiHa cells apoptosis, SiHa cells apoptosis can be observed by electron microscope and agarose gel electrophoresis revealed that cell DNA fragment exhibited characteristic" DNA ladder". Conclusion: This study suggests that cureumin could inhibit the proliferation and increase apoptosis in human SiHa cells.
Journal of Mathematical Medicine