
论英美两国文官制度的基本特征及其历史成因 被引量:1

On the Basic Characteristics and the Historical Causes of the Civil Service System between Britain and America
摘要 英美两国是近代西方国家中,创设文官制度较早的国家。其文官制度的基本特征主要表现在七个方面,即"公开考试与择优录用","严格考核与功绩制","职务常任与政府连续和稳定","官员分类与科学管理","定期培训与知识更新","官纪官风与道德建设","完善保障与稳定官员队伍",等等。这些特征的历史成因是历史学、政治学和行政管理学相互作用的结果,也就是说追求政治的连续与稳定以及行政官员的高素质与行政工作的高效率,是上述英美两国文官制度基本特征形成的关键因素。 Britain and America are the earlier countries to build the civil service system in recent western countries. The basic characters can be seen in seven aspects. They are: " public examination and to enroll on the basis of competitive selection", " strict examinations and merit system", " permanent position holding and the continuity and stability of the government", " the classification of the government officials and the scientific management", " training from time to time and the renewal of the knowledge", " the disci- plines and behaviors of the officials and the moral education", " perfecting safeguard and stable the officials" etc. The historical causes of these characters are the reciprocity among History, political science and the administration science. In other words, pursuing the po- litical continuity and the stability and high quality and high efficiency of the government officials are the essential factors to build the above basic characteristics of the civil service system between Britain and America.
作者 石庆环 王铭
出处 《辽宁大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2010年第1期73-78,共6页 Journal of Liaoning University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 英国 美国 文官制度 功绩制 政党分赃制 Britain America, civil service merit system spoils system
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