
论我国上市公司少数股东保护制度的完善 被引量:5

Improvement of the Protection System for the Minority Stockholders of the Listed Companies in China
摘要 我国上市公司少数股东保护制度经历了一个由简至繁、由疏到密的不断充实的发展历程,一系列的相关立法行为对完善我国上市公司治理结构具有非常重要的意义。目前,我国上市公司少数股东保护制度的构建虽已取得了长足进展,但还存在许多尚待完备之处。文中将通过考察我国上市公司少数股东保护制度形成的沿革,对我国上市公司少数股东保护制度的立法思路和方向进行归纳梳理,并就我国上市公司少数股东保护的相关制度——股东表决权排除制度、控股股东损害赔偿责任制度、控股股东及从属公司经营者责任追究制度、监事会制度等中存在的问题进行分析探讨,提出相应的完善对策。 The protection system for the minority stockholders of the listed companies in China has enjoyed a fairly smooth development, and the enactment of the relevant laws has great significance to the management of such companies. However, there still remain some defects. The paper gives a historical account of the protection system for the minority stockholders of the listed companies in China and its legislation and development, analyzes the relevant systems like the exclusive system of the stockholder's voting right, the damage-compensation system of the controlling share-holders, the accountability system of the controlling share-holders and the affiliated companies and the supervisory system, and finally brings up some suggestions for solving the existing problems.
作者 高岚
出处 《云南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2010年第1期89-96,共8页 Journal of Yunnan Normal University:Humanities and Social Sciences Edition
关键词 少数股东保护 控股股东的责任 关联交易 公平性基准 protection of the minority stockholders liabilities of controlling share-holders connected transaction criterion of fairness
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