
高white washing防御力的P2P全局信任模型

Global trust model with high white washing resistance
摘要 在分析P2P网络的特点及其所面临的各种安全问题的基础上,提出了一个全局信任模型,对恶意行为及free riding都有较高的抵御力.特别是当恶意节点或信誉值很低的自私节点企图重新注册时(white washing),模型采用双重机制,可以很快将之屏蔽在外.仿真结果证明,模型有较强的恶意节点免疫力,尤其对于white washing有高的防御能力. Based on an analysis of the characteristics of P2P network and related security issues, this paper proposed a global trust model which has a high resistance to malicious acts and free riders. Specifically, if the malicious nodes or free riders try to re-register into the system to white wash their low credibility and trust, the model can quickly trace and isolate them, showing high white washing resistance. The results of simulation showed that this model can easily isolate malicious behaviors, especially has high resistance to white washing.
出处 《华东师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期111-117,共7页 Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science)
关键词 叠加网 信任模型 协同作弊 自私节点 洗白 overlay trust model cooperative cheating free rider white washing
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