Objective:To investigate the effects of Tetramethylpyrazine(TMP)on telomerase activity and apoptosis in K562 cells lines and study the melocular mechanism of it's antileukemie. Methods: Cell apoptosis was observed by light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The expression of Fas was measured by flow cytometry. Polymerase chain reaction enzyme linked immunoassay(PCR-ELISA)was used to assay telomerase activity of K562 cells. Results: Tetramethylpyrazine could inhibit telomerase activity of K562 cells in a time-and concentrationdependentmanner. Meanwhile,it could induce apoptosis obviously and up-regulate the levels of Fas in K562 cells. Conclusions:Tetramethylpyrazine could inhibit telomerase activity of K562 cells, and the mechanism of effect was maybe relate to inducing apoptosis and the expression of Fas protein.
Chinese Medical Journal of Metallurgical industry