
某输油管道刺漏调查分析 被引量:7

Investigation and Analysis of the Washing out of a Crude Oil Pipeline
摘要 某输油管道在5天之内发生了2次泄漏事故,造成了巨大的经济损失。对两次泄漏事故和抢修过程进行了深入调查,对导致输油管道泄漏的各种原因进行了分析。依据管道刺漏形貌及位置,认为内壁腐蚀导致管道穿孔。对管道铺设轨迹进一步调查,研究结果表明管道两次刺漏位置均发生在低谷位置。认为密度较大的水等腐蚀介质容易在管道低谷位置积聚,其液面位置容易腐蚀。根据调查分析结果,对防止输油管道穿孔提出了建议。 Two leakage accidents happened in 5 days in a crude oil pipeline,resuhing in a great economic loss. This paper makes a thorough in vestigation of the two washing-out accidents and the repair process of the crude oil pipeline, and analyzes the factors causing the washing out. It is considered that corrosion on the inner surface led to the washing out of the crude oil pipeline according to the morphology and position of the washing out. The positions of washing out twice are all located at low sections in accordance with the laying trace of the crude oil pipeline. Water and other corrosive media of a larger density easily cumulate at low sections, and corrosion occurs easily at its liquid surface. Some suggestions are given according to the result of our investigations and anal.yes.
出处 《管道技术与设备》 CAS 2010年第1期48-49,59,共3页 Pipeline Technique and Equipment
关键词 调查 输油管道 刺漏 腐蚀 investigation crude oil pipeline wash out corrosion
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