
急性乙型肝炎384例临床及流行病学分析 被引量:8

Clinical and epidemiological analysis of 384 patients diagnosed with acute hepatitis B
摘要 目的了解近年来急性乙型肝炎的临床及流行病学情况。方法用SPSS13.0对384例急性乙型肝炎病人的临床资料进行统计学分析。结果18~45岁为高发年龄段占78.7%,汉族占98.2%,79.4%患者传播途径不详;男性发病人数高于女性,比例为3.99:1;临床治愈好转率较高(98.9%)。暴发性肝炎发病率0.5%。发病后半年内随访血中HBsAg转阴率97.1%,HBVDNA转阴率98.5%,急性乙型肝炎慢性化率2.9%。结论乙型肝炎的发病年龄及传播途径已经发生明显变化;急性乙型肝炎的治愈好转率较高,但有极少数病人会发生慢性化及重型化。 Objective To investigate the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of acute hepatitis B (AHB) in recent years. Methods To analyze the clinical data of 384 patients of AHB by using the software SPSS 13.0. Results This result indicated that the susceptible population of AHB was the patients with the age changing from 18 to 45. The main route of transmission remained unknown. The main nationality was Han. The morbidity of male was higher than that of female. The rate of recovery and improvement was 98.9%. The incidence of liver failure was 0.5%. Six months after onset,HBsAg in 97.1% cases and HBV DNA in 98.5% cases changed into negative. Conclusion The age of morbidity and the route of transmission have changed greatly. The rate of recovery and improvement is higher. Only few of the AHB patients converted to the chronic HB and severe hepatitis.
出处 《实用肝脏病杂志》 CAS 2010年第1期22-25,共4页 Journal of Practical Hepatology
关键词 急性乙型肝炎 临床特征 随访 Acute hepatitis B Clinical characteristics Follow up
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