
基于铁炭微电解法的焦化废水处理 被引量:1

Coking Waste Water Treatment Based on Iron Carbon Micro-electrolytic Process
摘要 为对焦化废水中难降解物质进行处理,提高其废水可生化性,将铁炭微电解法应用于焦化废水处理。该试验研究了影响处理效果的因素,并对废水中有机物的去除、脱色效果以及废水可生化性的提高进行了探讨。结果表明:在初始pH值为3,反应时间为180min,铁炭质量比为2∶1时,试验对CODCr和色度的去除率分别达到70.3%和85.0%,BOD5与CODCr质量浓度比值从0.21提高到了0.56。 In order to treat the difficult degradation material in the coking waste water and to improve the biodegradability of the waste water, the iron carbon micro-electrolytic process was applied to treat the coking waste water. The experiments had studied the factors affected to the treatment results. The paper had a discussion on the organic material removing from the waste water, decolorization and biodegrad- ability improvement. The results showed that at the initial pH value was 3, the reaction time was 180 min and the iron and carbon ratio was 2: 1, the CODe, and colour remove rate of the experiments were 70. 3% and 85.0% individually and the mass concentration ratio be- tween BOD~ and CODer could be improved from 0. 21 to 0. 56.
出处 《煤炭科学技术》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第1期125-128,共4页 Coal Science and Technology
关键词 铁炭微电解 焦化废水 CODCR 去除率 可生化性 iron carbon micro-electrolytic process coking waster water CODer remove rate biodegradability
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