在水热条件下制备γ-A lOOH纳米棒的过程中,熟化机制的作用至关重要。反应温度的提高将加快熟化过程溶解-再结晶速度,使熟化过程进行得更充分。保温时间的延长也会使熟化过程进行得更充分。γ-A lOOH的熟化过程进行得不充分,生成的产物是形状不规则、表面不光滑的γ-A lOOH条状物,有片状γ-A lOOH吸附在其表面,其择优取向不明显,比表面积和孔体积较大;γ-A lOOH的熟化过程进行得较充分,生成的产物是形状规则、表面光滑的γ-A lOOH纳米棒,没有片状γ-A lOOH吸附在其表面,其择优取向明显,比表面积和孔体积较小。
In the course of hydrothermal synthesis of boehmite(γ-AlOOH) nanorods,Ostwald ripening played important roles.During Ostwald ripening,higher temperature could enhance the velocity of dissolution-recrystallization,which made Ostwald ripening more adequately.Longer insulation time also made Ostwald ripening more adequately.If Ostwald ripening was not adequate,the obtained products were strip-like γ-AlOOH with irregular shape and unsmooth surface;some γ-AlOOH nanosheets were adsorbed on their surface;their preferred orientation was not apparent;and their specific surface area and pore volume were biggish.If Ostwald ripening was adequate,the obtained products are γ-AlOOH nanorods with regular shape and smooth surface,no γ-AlOOH nanosheets were adsorbed on their surface,their preferred orientation was apparent,and their specific surface area and pore volume were lesser.
Inorganic Chemicals Industry