

Relation of Al 2O 3 Powder With Main Mechanical Properties of Corundum based Ceramics
摘要 选择典型的刚玉瓷A-95、A-99为基体的不同配方,从低到高分别加入α-Al2O3粉进行对比实验。测试它们的主要力学性能硬度和抗弯强度,从而探讨氧化铝粉与刚玉瓷主要力学性能的关系。 I Selected different formulas of usual Corundum based Ceramics(A 95、A 99),from lower to upper separately adding α Al 2O 3 powder to conduct comparison experimants,Testing their main mechanical properities such as hardness and flexural strength,thus discuss their relation of Al 2O 3 powder with main mechanical properties of corundum based ceramics
作者 李秋均 姚丽
出处 《山东陶瓷》 CAS 1998年第3期9-11,15,共4页 Shandong Ceramics
关键词 刚玉瓷 硬度 抗弯强度 氧化铝粉 配方 陶瓷 Corundum based ceramics α Al 2O 3 powder Hardness Flexural strength
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