
错过价格促销情境下消费者感知价值损失及其对负向购买意愿的影响 被引量:10

Consumer's Perceived Value Loss and Its Impact on Negative Purchase Intention under the Condition of Missing Price Promotion
摘要 文章构建了错过价格促销情境下价格促销类型、促销幅度、感知价值损失和负向购买意愿关系的理论模型。通过2(价格促销类型:直接降价/间接降价)×2(价格促销幅度:大/小)的因子实验设计,研究发现:在错过价格促销情境下,消费者感知价值损失因价格促销的类型不同、幅度不同而有显著差异,价格促销类型和价格促销幅度对消费者感知价值损失有交互作用,消费者感知价值损失对负向购买意愿存在显著的正向影响。 This article builds up a theoretical model about the relationship among types of price promotion, amplitudes of price promotion, perceived value loss and negative purchase intention under the condition of missing price promotion. By a 2 (types of price promotion: direct price-offs vs. indirect price-offs) × 2 (amplitudes of price promotion: large vs. small)factorial experimental design, results show that under the condition of missing price promotion, the consumer's perceived value loss has a significant difference because of different types and amplitudes of price promotion, there is an interaction between price promotion types and price promotion amplitudes, and the consumer's perceived value loss has a distinctively positive effect on negative purchase intention.
作者 杨宜苗
出处 《商业经济与管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期52-60,共9页 Journal of Business Economics
基金 教育部人文社科项目(05JC790089) 辽宁省社会科学界联合会项目(2007lslktjjx-86)
关键词 错过 价格促销 感知价值损失 负向购买意愿 missing price promotion perceived value loss negative purchase intention
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