
要素禀赋、技术差异与中国的对外贸易 被引量:2

Factor Endowment,Technical Difference and China's Foreign Trade
摘要 要素禀赋理论认为各国要素禀赋的差异导致了国际贸易的产生。中国及其贸易伙伴国的数据表明,仅仅利用要素禀赋的差异并不能完全解释国际贸易的成因。把中国和贸易伙伴国的技术差异纳入要素禀赋理论以后,要素禀赋理论的解释力大大加强。也就是说,要素禀赋和生产技术的差异这两个因素已经很好地解释了中国和8个主要贸易伙伴国之间的贸易的成因。 In H-O- V Model the factor endowment difference leads to international trade. But this article based on the data of China and its trade partners concludes that factor endowment difference is not the only reason. When we include technical difference into consideration H - O - V Model becomes more effective. So we can attribute China and its partners' trade to factor endowment difference and technical difference.
作者 梁莉
出处 《经济问题》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期39-42,共4页 On Economic Problems
关键词 要素禀赋 技术差异 H-O-V模型 factor endowment technical difference H - O - V Model
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