
企业薪酬体系与员工心理契约匹配关系研究 被引量:4

A Study of Matching Relationship between Business Compensation System and Psychological Contract
摘要 薪酬体系要能达到组织预期的效果,必须和组织员工的心理契约相匹配,在不同的心理契约类型下采用不同的薪酬体系。首先对员工心理契约以及企业薪酬体系进行了分类,将员工心理契约分为交易型、关系型和理念型三种类型,将企业薪酬体系分为机械型、柔性型和平衡型三种;然后探讨了薪酬体系和员工心理契约之间的匹配机制和模式,认为交易型心理契约下适合采用机械型薪酬体系,关系型心理契约适用柔性型薪酬体系,理念型心理契约下则适用柔性型或者平衡型薪酬体系;在此基础上,对企业的薪酬管理实践给出了相应的建议。 To reach the expected effects of organization, organizational compensation system must fit with the psychological contract, and different types of psychological contract should have different compensation strategies. This study first classifies the psychological contracts as transactional contract, relational contract and ideological contract, and classifies the compensation strategies as mechanical strategy, flexible strategy and balancing strategy. Then, we discuss the matching mechanisms and models between the compensation systems and psychological contract. It is believed that mechanical compensation strategy is adapted to transactional contract, flexible compensation strategy is adapted to relational contract or ideological contract and balancing compensation strategy is adapted to ideological contract. Some corresponding suggestions about the practices of compensation management are proposed based on the studies.
出处 《石家庄经济学院学报》 2010年第1期66-70,共5页 Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics
关键词 薪酬体系 心理契约 匹配 compensation system psychological contract matching
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