目的观察两种不同极性溶剂氘代氯仿(CDCl3)和氘代二甲亚砜(DMSO-D6)对马钱子中主要生物碱士的宁氢谱(1H NMR)谱学的影响。方法以极性较弱的CDCl3和极性较强的DMSO-D6为溶剂,分别使士的宁溶解,在500兆核磁共振仪上测定氢谱,测定士的宁上各质子的化学位移和自旋裂分,计算它们的偶合常数,并比较两种不同极性溶剂对士的宁1H NMR谱学产生的影响。结果由于DMSO的极性与氯仿的极性强弱不同,从而对士的宁分子上各原子周围的电子云分布产生不同的作用。结论不同极性溶剂对士的宁氢谱的化学位移、自旋裂分和偶合常数具有一定的影响。
Objective To observe the ^1H NMR spectroscopy of strychnine from Strychnos nux-vomica in two different polarity of solvents, deuterium chloroform Methods Dissolving in the solvent of low polarity (CDCl3) and deuterium dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO-D6). CDCl3 and in the solvent of high polarity DMSO-D6 respectively, the ^1H NMR spectroscopy of strychnine was investigated using a 500 MHz resonance machine. The chemical shifts and spin splitting behaviors of all protons of strychnine were described and their nuclear accurate values for spinspin coupling constants were calculated. Then the solvent effects of the two different solvents on ^1H NMR spectroscopy of strychnine were observed completely. Results Because of different polarity between CDCl3 and DMSO-D6, the distributions of electronic cloud around each atom of molecule strychnine dissolved in the two solvents were different. Conclusion Different polarity of solvents affects the chemical shift; spin splitting and spin-spin coupling constants of ^1H NMR spectroscopy of strychnine.
Research and Practice on Chinese Medicines