Trees of mango cultivar 'Kiett' at age of 9 were used as materials and treated with polypeptides at different levels, combined with conventional fertilizer application, to analyze the effect of the polypeptides on the absorption of some mineral nutrients and the quality of their fruit. A random block design was arranged with 5 treatments and 3 replications, and each treatment contained 5 trees each block grown similarly on the same type of soil, with a total of 75 trees in all the treatments. The mango trees were treated (foliar spray and root irrigation) twice at an interval of 10 days during and after the flower stage. The treatments included conventional fertilizer application + polypeptide (1:500, folidr spray and root flood), conventional fertilizer application + polypeptides (1:1 000, foliar spray and root flood) , conventional fertilizer application + polypeptides (1:1 500, foliar spray and root flood) , conventional fertilizer application + polypeptides (1:1 000, foliar spray) , and the blank control (conventional fertilizer application + water spray. The results showed that polypeptides treatments promoted the uptake of N, P and K nutrients and the quality of the mango fruit, and that treatment with 1:500 solution of polypeptides increased fruit N, P and K contents by 12.1%, 34.7% and 17.2% separately, reduced the titrate acid in the fruit by 44.1%, improved the soluble total sugar by 24.6% and anti-aseorbic acid by 59.5%.
Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops