
不同原料配比对鸡粪高温堆肥的影响 被引量:8

Effect of Different Material Ratio on High Temperature Composting of Chicken Manure
摘要 以鸡粪和锯末不同质量比混合堆肥,通过调节水分和加入过磷酸钙和石灰,研究了腐熟过程中发酵参数对堆肥温度、水分、pH、C/N和植物养分含量等的变化。结果表明,在53 d堆肥期间,堆肥高温期维持时间长,50℃以上累计达20 d;含水量和C/N持续下降,C/N各处理下降幅度不同,T值小于0.6的处理仅处理4、处理5、处理6;pH值先升后降,53 d后趋于稳定,接近7左右;全磷和速效磷呈缓慢上升趋势,变幅最大的均为处理5;全钾和速效钾则先降后升,处理5的含量和增幅均最大。综合各因素来看,处理5的物料配比较适合本地区鸡粪高温堆肥发酵。 Through regulating the moisture and adding calcium superphosphate and lime, the effect of fermentation factors on composting temperature, moisture,pH,C/N and plant nutrient content etc. were studied in the maturity process of high temperature composting of chicken manure and sawdust. The results indicated that : the high temperature composting maintained a longer time,and lasted for 20 d over 50℃ in 53 days;the moisture and C/N ratio dropped,and the C/N ratio of different treatments had the range of decline differently, furthermore, the treatments that T value is less than 0.6 were treatment 4,5 and 6 ;The pH value had a rise followed by a drop, and stayed stable at around 7.0 after 53 d ;Total phosphorus and available phosphorus was slowly rising, and the increase of treatment 5 was largest;Total potassium and available potassium had experienced from decrease to increase,and the content and the increase of treatment 5 was maximum. Taking all factors, material ratio of treatment 5 was more suitable for high temperature composting of chicken manure fermentation in this region.
出处 《华北农学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第B12期273-277,共5页 Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica
基金 河北省农林科学院青年基金项目(A06100102)
关键词 鸡粪 锯末 堆肥 物料配比 Chicken manure Sawdust Composting Material ratio
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