
空间查询中自然语言空间关系与度量空间关系的转换方法研究:以面目标为例 被引量:8

A Spatial-query-driven Transformation between Metric Spatial Relations and Natural-Language Spatial Relations:Taking Regions as Example
摘要 以面目标为例,首先探讨度量空间关系的描述方法,即拓扑谓词+度量参数,建立拓扑谓词与度量参数之间的对应关系;然后从人的认知角度,分析空间关系的自然语言描述,即拓扑谓词+量词,区分模糊量词和临界量词两类量词,并分别用来描述邻近拓扑谓词相互转化过程中的定量变化和定性变化;最后,分析度量参数与量词之间的关联关系,试图建立空间查询中度量空间关系与自然语言空间关系之间的联系,从而更好地应用于空间查询。 Spatial relations between spatial entitiescun be obtained by two means. One is computed and obtained by spatial data, and the other is obtained by human spatial cognition. So, they are named asmetric spatial relations and natural-language spatial relations, respectively. This paper is focused on filling the gap between these two kinds of spatial relations. For this purpose, regions are taken as example, and three steps ore included. Metric spatial relations are first depicted by combining topological predicates with metric parameters, where a mopping is built between the topological predicates and the metric parameters. Second, natural-language spatial relations ore represented by combining topological predicotes with quantifiers, where quantifiers ore differentiated into two types: vogue quantifiers and critical quuntifiers. They are respectively used to describe quantitative and qualita- tivechange in the process of the transformation between neighboring topological predicates. Finally, the association between metric parameters and quantifiers is further illustrated and analyzed by a questionnaire. With these three steps, the linkage can be built between metric spatial relations and natural-language spatial relations. The proposed methods have been proven to be rational by the performances of spatial query.
出处 《测绘学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期527-531,共5页 Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica
基金 国家973计划(2006CB701304) 国家自然科学基金(40871180 40501053) 香港RGC项目(Polyu5228/06E)
关键词 空间关系 拓扑谓词 量词 度量 空间查询 spatial relations topological predicate quantifier metrics spatial query
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