
月面形貌的3维可视化算法 被引量:2

Lunar Geomorphy 3D Visualization Method
摘要 基于大范围地形可视化算法研究的基础上,对平面geometry clipmaps算法进行改进,利用GPU的顶点着色器实现平面地形向球面地形的投影变换,并综合利用球面视域裁剪、球面视点控制等技术,使geometry clipmaps算法适用于球面海量地形数据的3维可视化;收集处理月球全球影像和形貌高程数据,对算法进行验证,实现月球表面形貌的实时动态3维可视化。试验表明:绘制算法可不受数据量大小的限制、绘制效率高、效果逼真,但存在两极变形较大的缺点。 Based on the study of visualization arithmetic of large area terrain, plane geometry clipmaps algorithm is improved. Projection transformation from plane landform to sphere landform was realized by usingGPUvertexshader. In that improved algorithm, methods such as sphere vision field culling and sphere viewpoint control are used. That makes geometry clipmaps algorithm more effective in 3D visualization of massive sphere terrain data. The whole moon image and DEM data are collected and disposed, which are used to verify the capability of that algorithm, realizing dynamic and real time 3D visualization of moon surface. The experiments show that the graphicalgorithm isn't limited by data quantity, which is of high efficiency and reality simulation, but the two-pole distortion is serious.
出处 《测绘学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期539-544,共6页 Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica
基金 国家863计划(2008AA121603 2008AA12A214)
关键词 月球探测 月球数字高程模型 层次细节模型(LOD) 3维可视化 图形处理器 lunar exploration moon DEM level of detail(LOD) 3D visualization graphic processing unit
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