
谣言传播模型研究综述 被引量:67

A Survey for Rumor Propagation Models
摘要 简要介绍了自二战以来谣言现象的研究成果及不同领域的谣言传播模型,综述了现有模型的特点及进展。指出谣言传播模型建模过程中要对谣言传播的复杂性、心理特征、蝴蝶效应、从无序到有序的演化等问题进行深入思考,并借鉴舆论传播等多学科的现有成果,以建立基于Agent的复杂网络上的谣言传播模型。 Rumor is a typical social phenomenon. This paper introduces reaserches of rumor phenomenon since the second world war and some rumor propagation models, summarizes the characteristic of the exiting models and their progress. This paper indicates that some problems such as complexity,mental mechanism ,butterfly effect and evolvement from disorder to order must be paid close attention,and muhi-disciplinary theory such as public opinion propagation must be utilized,in order to establish agent-based rumor propagation model on the complex network.
出处 《复杂系统与复杂性科学》 EI CSCD 2009年第4期1-11,共11页 Complex Systems and Complexity Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(60874086 60774035) 国家863计划项目(2007AA01Z323)
关键词 谣言传播 模型 建模仿真 AGENT 复杂网络 rumor propagation model modeling and simulation Agent complex network
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