生长抑制及DNA损伤诱导基因45 alpha(Gadd45α)是p53的下游靶基因,当面对各种环境应激时表达上调,例如电离辐射、紫外线照射、烷化剂等。Gadd45α的表达受多个水平的调节。Gadd45α在调节细胞周期监测点、细胞凋亡、DNA修复、维护中心体的稳定等方面扮演重要角色。它与多种肿瘤的发生发展密切相关。Gadd45α在大部分肿瘤细胞中的表达是降低的,但是在恶性胶质瘤和胰腺导管癌中表达却上调。基于Gadd45α在肿瘤研究中的作用,将来可能会是一个抗肿瘤的分子靶点。
Growth arrest and DNA damage -indueible gene45 alpha(Gadd45α) is a target for p53 and is often up - regulated in response to various environmental stress , such as ultraviolet radiation, ionizing radiation, alkylating agents. Gadd45α expression is regulated at multiple leves. Gadd45α plays an important role in regulation of cell cycle checkpoint, apoptosis , repair of DNA and stability of centrosome. It is involved in various tumors. More commonly , gadd45α expression is reduced in a number of cancer types, but it is up -regulatied in glioblastomas and pancreatic ductal carcinomas. Gadd45α may be considered as a molecular target for anti - tumour agents in the future.
Journal of Modern Oncology