目的了解性别因素对四氧嘧啶诱发糖尿病动物模型的影响,为提高动物模型的复制效率提供实验依据。方法分别给雌、雄比格犬和昆明小鼠注射不同剂量的四氧嘧啶,药后3、7、14、21 d测定血糖值,同时统计实验期间动物的死亡情况。结果给予同等剂量的四氧嘧啶,雌性比雄性动物的血糖升高更快,浓度更高。雌性犬四氧嘧啶的最适造模剂量为40 mg/kg,而雄性犬在此剂量下的模型成功率只有40%,二者差异极显著(70%VS40%,P<0.01);雄性犬的最适使用剂量为50 mg/kg,但在此剂量下有高达30%的雌性犬因高血糖而死亡。四氧嘧啶对小鼠的影响与犬基本一致,雌雄鼠的最佳剂量分别为200 mg/kg和250 mg/kg。结论雌性动物对四氧嘧啶的敏感性较雄性动物高,雄性动物在使用四氧嘧啶复制糖尿病模型时,其剂量通常需要较雌性动物高20%左右。
Objective To develop a proper animal models representing human diabetes,the efficiency and doses of alloxan in male and female animals was investigated.Methods Alloxan were administered to beagle dogs and mice with different dosage.Blood glucose was tested after treatment at the 3rd,7th,14th,and 21th day,respectively.Results The different effects of alloxan on the blood glucose concentration was showed in female and male animals.After identical doses of alloxan injected,the blood glucose concentration in female animals increased quickly and its peak was higher than that in male animals.About 70% female dogs were successfully induced to become diabetic models with 40 mg/kg alloxan,corresponding only 40% for male dogs(P〈0.01).The most optimum dose of alloxan for male dogs was 50 mg/kg,but 3 female dogs(30%) injected with this doses were dead because of higher blood glucose concentration.Similar phenomenons were found in mice and the most optimum dose of alloxan was 200 mg/kg and 250 mg/kg for female and male respectively.Conclusion Sensitivity of alloxan to female is higher than that to male.For male animals,the dose of alloxan used to duplicate diabetic animal models would be higher about 20% than that for female animals.
Chinese Journal of Comparative Medicine
Alloxan Diabetic Model animal Blood glucose