Guangdong Communication Technology
1yan chert, peng cheng. Optimal Partner Selection Strategies in Wireless Cooperative Networks with Fixed and Variable[J]. IEEE Communications, 2007,11- 15(3):4080-4084.
2Beibei Wang. Distributed Relay Selection and Power Control for Multiuser Cooperative Communication Networks Using Buyer/Seller Game. IEEE Communications,2007,6-12(3):544-552.
3Laneman J N, Tse D N C,Womell G W, Cooperative Diversity in Wireless Network: Efficient Protocols and Performance Analysis. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, 2004,50(12):3062-3080.
4SONG Wenmiao, LI Yongqian. Cooperative partners Selection in the Cooperative Diversity ad-hoc Network.[J]. IEEE Communications, 2005,15-17(10):4pp-4.
5Bletsas A, Khisti A. A Simple Cooperative Diversity Method Based on Network Path Selection[J]. IEEE communications, 2006,24(3):659-672.
6陈超,郑宝玉,赵贤敬.一种利用跨层优化策略选择中继的协作路由算法[J].电子与信息学报,2007,29(12):2981-2985. 被引量:10
7刘丹谱,郝建军,乐光新.用于机会中继的一种最佳中继选择算法[J].中国电子科学研究院学报,2008,3(5):483-487. 被引量:4
8Li Sun, Taiyi Zhang,Cooperative Communications with Relay Selection in Wireless Sensor Network[J], IEEE Communications, 2009,25(3):513-517.
9惠鏸,朱世华,李国兵.一种基于放大转发的中继选择策略[J].西安交通大学学报,2008,42(4):450-453. 被引量:12
1殷勤业,张莹,丁乐,孟银阔.协作分集:一种新的空域分集技术[J].西安交通大学学报,2005,39(6):551-557. 被引量:58
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10Nosratinia A and Hunter T E. Cooperative communication in wireless networks[J]. IEEE Communications Magazine, 2004, 42(10): 74-80.
1尹露娟,苑津莎.一种基于跨层机制的中继选择策略及实现[J].电力系统通信,2009,30(11):67-70. 被引量:3
2季一木,宗平,陈超.基于机会性中继的加权协同路由算法[J].系统工程与电子技术,2009,31(11):2728-2731. 被引量:1
4司江勃,李赞,刘增基.无线协作网络中存在干扰时的中继选择协议[J].西安交通大学学报,2010,44(2):72-76. 被引量:2
5杨波,于宏毅,冯强.多中继混合转发协作传输策略研究[J].计算机科学,2010,37(3):99-101. 被引量:2
6韩维稼,陈前斌,唐伦.基于瞬时信道状态信息的串行多中继选择方法[J].计算机应用研究,2010,27(6):2211-2214. 被引量:2
7尹露娟,陈智雄,苑津莎.基于译码前传的跨层中继选择策略研究[J].华北电力大学学报(自然科学版),2010,37(3):97-102. 被引量:2
9刘华章,周新力,田伟,费奇志.认知协作Ad Hoc网络中分布路由跨层控制策略[J].海军航空工程学院学报,2011,26(3):271-277.
2Sendonaris A, Erkip E, Aazhang B. User Cooperation diversity- Part I :System description[J]. IEEE Transactions on Communication, 2003,51(10) : 1927-1938.
3Sendonaris A, Erkip E, Aazhang B. User Cooperation diversity- Part II :Implementation aspects and performance analysis[J]. IEEE Transactions on Communication, 2003,51 (11): 1939-1948.
4Laneman J N, Tse El N C, G, et al. Cooperative Diversity in Wireless Networks, Efficient Protocols and Outage Behavior [J].IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2004,50 ( 12 ):3062-3080.
5NosratiniaA,Hunter T E,HedayatA. Cooperative communication in wireless networks[J].IEEECommunicationsMagazine, 2004,42(10):68-73.
6Liu Pei, Tao Zhi-feng, Liu Zi-nan, et al. Cooperative wireless communications A cross--layer approach [J]. IEEE Wireless Communications, 2006,13(4) : 84-92.
7Bletsas A, Reed D P, Lippman A. A simple cooperative diversity method based on network path seleetion[J]. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2006,24 (3): 59-672.
8Ban T W,Jung B C, Sung D K, et al. Performance analysis of two relay selection schemes for cooperative Diversity[C]// Proceeding of IEEE 18th International Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communieations(PIMRC' 07), Sep 3-7, 2007, Athens. Greece Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE, 2007 :5.
9Jing Y,Jafarkhani H. Single and Multiple Relay Selection Schemes and Their Achievable Diversity Orders[J]. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication, 2009,8(3) : 1414-1423.
10Yi Zhi-hang, Kim I-M. Diversity Order Analysis of the Decode- and-Forward Cooperative Networks with Relay Selection[J]. IEEE Transactions on Communication,2008,5(7) : 1792-1799.
2张淑萍,赵桂钦.基于发射机预处理的中继协助下行直接序列CDMA性能评估[J].激光杂志,2014,35(11):75-80. 被引量:1
6龙志鹏,余江,常俊.一种改进的自适应全双工中继系统中继策略[J].计算机科学,2017,44(9):110-114. 被引量:1
1朱佳,郑宝玉,邹玉龙.基于最佳中继选择的协作频谱感知方案研究[J].电子学报,2010,38(1):92-98. 被引量:23
3王明伟,李立欣,张会生,谢文姣.基于定向天线和最佳中继选择AF策略的协作通信系统[J].华南理工大学学报(自然科学版),2016,44(9):87-93. 被引量:5
4刘德文.基于Ad hoc网络的最佳中继选择方案研究[J].微型机与应用,2015,34(3):63-66.
6刘丹谱,郝建军,乐光新.用于机会中继的一种最佳中继选择算法[J].中国电子科学研究院学报,2008,3(5):483-487. 被引量:4
8罗荣华,杨震.基于最佳中继选择的认知网络功率分配[J].仪器仪表学报,2012,33(9):1931-1937. 被引量:10
10李国兵,朱世华,惠鏸.最佳中继协作通信系统的功率分配算法[J].电子学报,2008,36(10):1944-1948. 被引量:14