

Parameters Optimization of Hybrid Electric Vehicle Based on Prey Search Genetic Algorithms
摘要 混合动力汽车模型是一个较复杂的非线性系统,且设计参数较多,为一种处理燃油经济性和排放的多目标问题。文章以一辆实例样车的动力系统和逻辑门限值控制策略为例,分析并建立了以动力性能为控制约束,以最小化油耗和排放为控制目标的非线性规划模型。采用捕食搜索遗传算法,对模型进行了仿真。结果表明,该方法相对于简单遗传算法更能有效地改善车辆燃油经济性和排放。 Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) model, a complex nonlinear system and with a large number of parameters, constitutes a new multi-objective optimization scheme. Taking power train and a logic threshold control strategy of a real vehicle as an example, with the objective functions of minimizing both fuel consumption and emission as well as a constraint of power performance, a nonlinear programming model for optimization on HEV parameters is set up, Applying the Prey Search Genetic Algorithm (PSGA), this paper simulates the model and the results indicate that the PSGA can improve fuel economy and reduce emissions more effectively compared with the Simple Genetic Algorithm (SGA)
出处 《天津汽车》 2010年第1期35-37,共3页 Tianjin AUTO
关键词 捕食搜索策略遗传算法 混合动力汽车 多目标优化 Prey Search Genetic Algorithms (PSGA) HEV Multi-objective
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