目的分析扬州地区变态反应性疾病患者的主要过敏原种类。方法采用德国Allergy Screen体外过敏原检测系统检测324例变态反应性疾病患者血清中总IgE和过敏原特异性IgE(sIgE)水平。结果324例变态反应性疾病患者总IgE阳性率为79.32%,sIgE阳性率为45.37%。吸入性过敏原阳性率从高到低依次为:户尘螨粉尘螨20.99%,点青霉、分支孢霉、烟曲霉、交链孢霉13.27%,矮豚草、蒿律草4.32%,蟑螂4.01%,柏、榆、梧桐、柳、三角叶杨树花粉3.09%,猫狗毛皮屑0.62%;食入性过敏原从高到低依次为:牛奶14.20%,牛、羊肉13.89%,腰果、花生、黄豆2.78%,鱼虾蟹1.85%,芒果1.54%,鸡蛋白、鸡蛋黄0.31%。结论变态反应性疾病患者血清中总IgE明显升高,扬州地区吸入性过敏原以螨虫、真菌为主,食入性过敏原以牛奶、牛肉、羊肉为主。大部分患者只对1~2种过敏原过敏。
Objective To investigate the main allergens of the patients with allergic diseases in Yangzhou. Methods The serum levels of total lgE and allergewspecific IgE (sIgE) were detected by AllergyScreen Analytic GmbH test system made in German. Results Among these 324 cases with allergic diseases,the positive rate of total IgE was 79.32% ,while the total positive rate of sIgE was 45. 37%. In the aeroallergen group,the highest positive rate of allergen was mites 20.99%, next was fungus 13.27%. In the food allergen group, the higheast positive rate of allergen was milk 14.20% ,next was beef and mutton 13.89%. Conclusion The serum level of total IgE in the patients with allergic diseases was significantly higher than that in the control group. The main aeroallergens are mites and fungus, the main food allergens are milk,beef and mutton in Yangzhou.
Laboratory Medicine and Clinic