为了研究猪PSMD13基因功能,采用SMART-RACE技术对猪PSMD13基因5′和3′端进行扩增,并对其进行序列分析和组织表达分析。结果表明,得到猪PSMD13基因全长1476bp的cDNA序列,其基因编码376个氨基酸,与人、小鼠、蛙、鲐鱼的PSMD13氨基酸序列分别有97%、94%、77%、85%的同源性,含有1个PINT保守结构域和1个类似的PCI domain结构域,无信号肽序列。组织表达分析结果表明,猪PSMD13在背最长肌、心脏、肝脏、脾脏、肺脏、肾脏、卵巢、子宫、睾丸、胚胎和脂肪等组织均有表达。
A new swine gene was cloned using SMART-RACE. The full-length cDNA contains 1476 nucleotides. Sequence analysis showed that the gene encode 376 amino acid residues, with a conserved domain PINT and a PCI similar domain. The derived amino acid sequence of the gene has high homology with the PSMD13 of human (97%),mouse (94%),frog (85%) and Danio(77 %). The tissue expression analysis indicated that the swine PSMD13 gene was not only expressed in Longissimus dorsi muscle, but also expressed in the heart , liver , spleen , lung , kidney, ovary, uterus , testis , embryo and adipose tissue.
Journal of Shihezi University(Natural Science)