
我国企业跨国并购CSR公关战略探讨——以欧美市场为例 被引量:6

Discussion of CSR Public Relation Strategy of Chinese Enterprises Merge and Takeover Overseas:Cases on Europe and American Market
摘要 受全球金融危机影响,欧美发达国家许多实体企业陷入资金短缺困境,其强烈的融资需求为我国有实力的企业通过跨国并购实现"走出去"战略提供了百年一遇的机会。能否在实现"走出去"的同时,实现"走进去"、"走上去",成为了这些并购企业将要面对的最大挑战。CSR(企业社会责任)公关战略将帮助这些企业有效识别和了解目标市场利益相关者的企业社会责任预期,减少东道国政府、雇员、消费者、行业协会、工会等利益集团的抵制和压力,为成功实施并购、购后整合提供最高效、最经济、最恒久的支持。 Influenced by global financial crisis, many entity enterprises of Europe and American countries sink into the trouble of capital shortage, and the strong fmancial demands provide a century opportunity to powerful enterprises for their overseas takeover, realizing its "going out" strategy. Whether it can realize "going out" strategy, "going into" and "going up" are the main challenge for these enterprises. CSR public relation strategy will help these enterprises recognize and know the CSR anticipation of benefit related enterprises in the target market, reduce the rejection and pressure from host governments, employees, consumers, industry associations, labor unions and other interest group, offering best efficient, economic and unvarying supports to implement merge, takeover and subsequent conformity successfully.
作者 刘藏岩
机构地区 温州大学商学院
出处 《国际贸易问题》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期98-105,共8页 Journal of International Trade
基金 教育部2007年人文社会科学基金项目<中国民营企业社会责任推进机制研究>(项目批准号:07JA630046)的研究成果
关键词 我国企业 跨国并购 企业社会责任 公关战略 Chinese enterprises Merge and takeover overseas CSR (Company Social Responsibility) Public relation strategy
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