就目前而言,人类最突出的问题之一是能源问题。从某种意义上说,21世纪就是能源的世纪。因为世界石油输出国组织(Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries-OPEC)的石油价格只要变动,就会给世界经济带来很大影响。能源改变且决定着世界发展的事实已经颠扑不破。在这种背景下,电动汽车、太阳能汽车、醇类燃料汽车以及氢动力汽车,都是人们对未来汽车美好憧憬的雏形。这其中尤以氢动力汽车发展势头最为迅猛。在刚刚到来的21世纪,氢能无疑会被大规模地开发利用,而氢燃料电池城市客车也会被优先发展。
Research and development in fuel battery for urban bus and coach ambition to preempt commanding heights for new generation hydrogen fuel battery automobile and promote international competitiveness of China automobile industry.Extensive application of hydrogen fuel battery for bus and coach can cause a new round of revolution and reorganization in automobile industry.The reality significance is easing China energy supply and demand contradiction,improving urban environment quality,promoting social economic comprehensive,coordinated and sustainable development.So,the speeding of research,development and application of hydrogen fuel battery for urban bus and coach can cause deep society economic affection,creating significant economic benefits and bringing immeasurable social benefits.