
饲料中添加沼液喂猪时铜的迁移规律研究 被引量:1

Study on Copper Migration Regularity When Feeding Pigs with Biogas Slurry
摘要 对沼液中含铜量及饲料中添加沼液喂猪对猪日增重、料肉比和肝脏、肌肉、粪便中含铜量的影响进行了研究。采用GB13885-91方法,间隔30 d三次测定沼液中铜含量,结果分别为0.13μg/mL、0.16μg/mL和0.18μg/mL,试验设3个添加沼液处理,饲料与沼液的比例分别为1∶0.5、1∶1和1∶1.5,进行饲养试验,并采用GB13885-91方法对猪肌肉、肝脏及粪铜含量测定。结果:饲料中添加1∶1和1∶1.5的沼液,日增重极显著高于对照组和饲料中添加1∶0.5的沼液组,饲料中添加1∶1的沼液组日增重极显著高于饲料中添加1∶1.5的沼液组;饲料中添加沼液显著提高了肝脏、肌肉和粪便中铜含量,且随着沼液添加量的增加,肝脏、肌肉和粪便中含铜量随之增加。说明肝脏、肌肉和猪粪中含铜量与饲粮的含铜量是密切相关的,饲料中添加沼液喂猪可以降低饲料中铜的添加量。 The feed copper content in biogas slurry and the effect of biogas slurry feed on pigs' daily gain,feed conversion ration and the copper content in liver,muscle and faece were studied.The feed copper content was determined with method of GB13885-91 per 30d as 0.13 μg/mL,0.16 μg/mL and 0.18 μg/mL,which indicated that biogas slurry contained copper.Feed/biogas slurry ration was respectively 1∶0.5,1∶1 and 1∶1.5 in feeding trials,then copper content in liver,muscle and faece were determind with method of GB13885-91.The results indicated that daily gain in Group 1∶1 and 1∶1.5 was extremely higher than in Group 1∶0.5,daily gain in Group 1∶1 was extremely higher than in Group 1∶1.5.The copper content of liver,muscle and faece was significantly increased after feeding biogas slurry diet,then copper content of liver,muscle and faece was increased by increasing of biogas slurry in feed,which indicated that copper content of liver,muscle and faece was closely related to copper content in diet.The copper addition in feed can be reduced by addition of biogas slurry in diet.
出处 《家畜生态学报》 2010年第1期75-78,共4页 Journal of Domestic Animal Ecology
基金 金华市科技局项目(2006-2-051)
关键词 沼液 日增重 肝脏 肌肉 Cu biogas slurry daily gain liver muscle feces
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