

Research on Short-wave Molestation Group Led by Artillery Network Based on Correspondance
摘要 阐述了在信息化条件下,运用系统集成原理实现炮兵短波干扰群网络化、一体化,实现了炮兵整体作战能力的基本构想,并对基本构想的可行性进行了分析。 The basic conception that in the informative condition is elaborated, using the principle of system integration, realize network and unifinication of artillery short-wave molestation group, realize our artillery overall operational ability, and have a deep analysis for the feasibility that how the conception come ture.
机构地区 解放军炮兵学院 [
出处 《舰船电子工程》 2010年第1期102-104,共3页 Ship Electronic Engineering
关键词 协同 炮兵网络 短波干扰群 cooperation, artillery network, short-wave molestation group
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