
胰岛素制剂研究进展 被引量:1

摘要 几十年来,人们为了提高INS的疗效,不断改进INS的剂型,不断更新INS的注射装置,但这些方法终究离不开注射途径。由于胰岛素口服或腹腔给药能模拟生理条件下胰岛素门脉系统传输过程,产生肝脏高于外周的胰岛素浓度差,更符合生理条件,因此研制口服胰岛素制剂和腹腔胰岛素给药系统仍是十分必要的,这对防止糖尿病并发症的发生具有重要意义。非注射途径INS制剂包括肺吸入剂、口服制剂、黏膜给药制剂以及经皮给药系统等[1]。由于诸多新技术的应用,给INS非注射途径的应用带来很好的发展。现就目前INS给药途径研究进展进行综述。 For many years, insulin is admin-istrated by subcutaneous injections to treat patients with diabetes. Since the oral and intraperitoneal routes of insulin administration can mimic the physiological portal rout of insulin delivery which is associated with greater hepatic concentration/peripheral concentration ratio, development of new oral and intraperitoneal insulin delivery systems are required to improve glucose and lipid metabolism and lower the risk of diabetes complication. This article is going to review the recent advances in the related studies.
作者 李晓光
出处 《中国社区医师(医学专业)》 2010年第3期10-11,共2页
关键词 胰岛素 剂型 口服胰岛素 insulin dosage form oral insulin inhaled insulin diabetes
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