
一种基于CL的新型可分电子现金系统 被引量:1

A new divisible e-cash system based on CL
摘要 基于CL签名给出了一种新型的可分电子现金系统,有效地将压缩支付和批处理支付加入到系统中,给出了实用的压缩可分电子现金方案,使得系统的效率较高。系统中无需可信第三方的参与,系统开销较小。方案的安全性基于LRSW假设、计算离散对数困难性假设以及单向散列函数存在性假设。 Based on CL signature, this paper gives a new type of divisiable e-cash system, which constructs a security compact e-cash scheme of high efficiency by including compact spending and bactch spending. It reduces the costs of the system as it's without TIP. The security of the scheme is based on the assumptions of decision Diffie-Hellman, the hardness of calculating discrete logarithm and the LRSW assumptions.
出处 《微型机与应用》 2010年第3期31-34,共4页 Microcomputer & Its Applications
关键词 可分电子现金 常数级时间复杂度 压缩支付 双线性映射 divisible e-cash constant complexity compact spending billinear pairings
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