工作特征是指与工作相关的因素或属性,它对工作者的身心健康有重要影响。通过对比研究发现,虽然要求-控制模型(Demand-Control Model,简称DC模型)将工作特征分为相对具体的工作要求、工作控制和社会支持,工作要求-资源模型(Job Demands-Resources Model,简称JD-R模型)则将工作特征划分为更为概括的工作要求和工作资源两个维度,但是它们关注的结果变量都包含个体身心健康和组织工作绩效,都强调了工作特征对工作者的影响。在今后的研究中,应深入探讨不同职业中起关键作用的工作特征和不同资源与要求组合的作用,进一步研究工作特征模型对不同特点个体和我国民众群体的适用性,并尝试将研究成果应用于工作再设计的实践,以促进工作者的职业健康。
Job characteristics are work-related factors or attributes, which have important effect on workers' physical and mental health. Comparative study found that while job characteristics in DC Model were divided into three relatively specific dimensions: job demands, job control and social support; JD-R Model was distinctive in classifying job characteristics into two more general categories of job demands and job resources. Nevertheless, the outcome variables DC model and JD-R model focused on workers' physical and mental health as well as organizational performance; moreover, both of the two models highlighted the effect of job characteristics on workers. Future research should explore in depth the important role of core job characteristics and combinations of different job resources and demands in different occupations as well as their applicability to individual traits and citizen groups in our country, and finally try to apply the results of research to the practice of job redesign in order to promote the occupational health of workers.
Advances in Psychological Science