本研究采用量子点模型对蓝色InGaN/GaN多量子阱发光二极管电致发光光谱进行考察,并和实验测量结果进行了比对。结果发现,利用量子点模型计算出的自发辐射发光峰位与实验得出的电致发光的峰位很好地吻合,表明了在多量子阱发光二极管中由于InN和GaN相分离而形成的富In类量子点结构,主导着InGaN基发光二极管发光波长,体现了InGaN基发光二极管量子点发光的本质。同时,基于量子点模型的理论,本文讨论了以合适组分的四元A lInGaN材料取代传统的GaN材料作为量子阱垒层对发光二极管发光特性的影响。
A 2D simulation of electrical luminescence spectrum of InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well (MQW) blue LED by APSYS software with a dot-well model is investigated. It is found that electrical luminescence simulation results based on the quantum dot model are in agreement with the experimental data, which suggests that the In-rich quantum dots (QDs) due to the spatial inhomogeneity of the indium composition plays a very important factor of the emission mechanics of InGaN/GaN. At the same time, optical characteristics of polarization matching InGaN/AlGaInN multiple quantum are also discussed using the dot model for the first time.
China Light & Lighting